Celebrate Canada's Birthday with Us!
You're invited to take part in building the canvas by adding your photo using the Add Me button below, or by using the hashtags #BuildingCANADAis and/or #BuildingCanada150 on your Instagram or Twitter posts.
Celebrating engineering contributions to 150 years of building Canada's landscape and city lines. Share your memories and check back often to see the image take shape.
150 Projects for Canada’s 150
In addition to the original hashtag mosaic, Morrison Hershfield will be highlighting 150 Canadian Marquee Projects throughout the canvas. Look for the maple leaf or search #MH150for150 on Instagram to see all 150 projects. We'll be posting a new project everyday from now until November.
Help us fill the mosaic and reach our goal of 10,000 tiles . When we reach the goal, in celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary, Morrison Hershfield will make a donation to Engineers Canada.
Tell your friends to add their photo.